three cheers for friedman-omics!
historians everywhere are looking smug as of late. it has never worked we said. the rising stock market is a sign of trouble ahead we said. financialization and "free" market worship always lead to decline we said. they told you it would be unlimited and never-ending prosperity. they told you it was patriotic to buy shit you didn't need and couldn't afford. and is all collapsing. just as we said it would.
mr. friedman, legitimate economics called...they want their nobel prize back.
glam dog mocked joe biden for declaring it was patriotic to pay taxes. where she comes from it apparently is not patriotic to do anything for the common good...or to make any effort to pay for the equipment that the troops (which she proudly proclaims her support for) require to avoid needlessly dying. I understand that the university of idaho school of journalism probably is not a bastion of intellectualism...but you'd think a simple term like patriotism would not be so difficult to understand.
so I'm wondering...if it isn't patriotic to sacrifice a little bit financially for your nation when it so badly needs it then why did previous leaders request that during past wars?
eight years of the same republican president and his free market ideology in the 1980's and it ends in the savings and loan collapse and black monday. eight years of the same republican president and his free market ideology in the 2000's and it ends in an all out market collapse and black october. coincidence?
not that the eight years under the same democratic president were as bill wishes we would see them. anyone with half a brain understood that it was simply setting the stage for utter disaster...guess what. the curtain just raised.
remember when the boy king was telling us all how wonderful it would be if we could put all our retirements into the stock market and rely solely on the market and not social security to pay the bills in our old age? now do you understand why that is such a horrible idea?
speaking of social security...tom brokaw is a fucking moron. I am sick of so-called journalists (please bring back mr. russert) telling us social security is going under. the far right has been saying for 30 years that social security was within days of going under...and yet it is still projected to be full our lifetimes. when did objectivity become synonimous with repeating lies? edward murrow wherefore art thou?
anyone else find it highly amusing that some lady threw obama a softball question about whether health care was a right or a commodity and he needed tom brokaw to save him? although it was even more amusing to have mccain proudly declare that it is a commodity to be traded across state lines. yup...that is exactly what we shopping by insurance companies.
hurry hurry hurry! we must pass a bailout bill yesterday! the bill passes...the president then comes out and says to be patient because it will take months. things that make you go hmmmm...
the boy king in a wharehouse talking to people that likely won't have a job too much longer was smiling and laughing. seriously...this has been this asshole's m.o. for the last 8 years. has there ever been a president that has ordered so many young men and women to die that has laughed and joked so much? even about the decision and bullshit stories that he used to send them to their deaths? has there ever been a president watch the economy tank and laugh and joke so much? then again...the child has had more vacation time in his years in the white house than most of us will see in our entire careers.
well, I take that back...once we are all laid off and quit looking for work we will have plenty of vacation time.
speaking of all of us getting laid incredibly stupid is mccain's idea of a governmental spending freeze right now? FDR puts the country back to work on public works and infrastructure development. the modern republican party says if you want a job you better sign up for never-ending combat.
which reminds me...all those earmarks the man has been foaming at the mouth over...most of them keep a hell of a lot of people at work. since the "less is more" bullshit theology of the republican party has taken hold, earmarks are the only way we have to maintain the infrastructure.
I'm sick of the great depression analogies. this country is in an entirely different position. we don't manufacture anything anymore. as a nation we make nothing of tangible value. all we have to offer is financial slight of hand. only the world is rejecting financial slight of hand. I guess what I'm trying to say should wish this were the great depression. at least then we would have a way to get out of it.
when the dust clears, if russia and china are stronger than the united states thanks to three decades of deregulation and financialization...who won the cold war?
bottles on the windowsill...
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