hate to say I told you so, death for waiting, shameful "politics", and lolo’s gold...
I hate to say it...but I told you so mr. obama. some jackass democratic strategist no doubt informed you that you must begin to make yourself more "electable" to the "center" in america - and that you had to prove you were a tough belligerent asshole like the other guy (who was so much of a man that he left a woman because she got crippled and pudgy while waiting for him to return from war) - and that you had to cower to the big money. and so you did, and you sold out civil liberties, and you sold out those struggling to get by, and you sold out human dignity, and you sold out the rule of law, and you sold out the founding generation, and you sold out the ideals of america, and in the process you sold out all of those that saw in you the spearpoint of a movement that just might be able to wedge itself into washington and save us from ourselves before it was too late...all in the false promise of "getting elected." you followed the bill clinton model - apparently forgetting, as al gore and john kerry before you, that the only reason clinton won was that perot was kind enough to cripple bush sr. by taking almost 20 percent of the vote. and what do you have to show for it now? you are losing, and the once immenent landslide has turned the other way. you are hard at work turning yourself into the newest posterchild for a simple fact of politics - give the american public the choice between a republican and a democrat that acts like a republican and they will choose the legit republican every...single...time. so once again, on behalf of myself and generations to come...fuck you.
texas is getting ready to execute someone. (I know, I know...big surprise). the guy is being put to death for sitting in a truck while his buddy committed a robbery, shooting the clerk in the face in the process. nevermind that, as is all too often the case, the guy is most likely incompetent to stand trial, let alone be executed (but then a little secret that the right-wing death mongers don't want you to know...nobody, and I mean nobody, avoids a murder conviction even if they are insane. once there is a dead body the writing is on the wall and unless you are unfunctionable insane and eating your own feces...you are going to trial, and in texas, you are getting murdered by the state). nevermind that he got inadequate representation at trial and during the sentencing phase (seriously, look up the ABA standards for capital representation some time...then ask yourself how in god's name someone getting paid a couple thousand bucks could pull that off without going bankrupt). just focus on this...he was sitting in the truck. he didn't have the gun. he didn't shoot the cashier. he didn't actually kill anybody. he sat in the truck. no wonder the boy king finds it so hard to so much as verbally reprimand china for its human rights record...
so the presidential candidates...well the two republican candidates anyway...appeared at a mega-church to be grilled by an evangelical about their thoughts on jesus and when a baby retains human rights (oddly, the question was termed as a baby, thereby insinuating that there has been a birth...but neither candidate thought it a good idea to point out the idiocy of the question and scientific problems with the premise...the dumbing down of america continues). and the media has spent days telling us how it went and how the crowd responded and who "won" the meeting. I have seen exactly one report that expresses concern over the fact that our political process has so eroded that the presidential candidates are essentially being given a religious litmus test. kathleen parker of the chicago tribune brought up an interesting point...it is time we stop asking what would jesus do (nevermind that he would be appalled at the actions of the united states and democratic and republican leadership) and start asking ourself what would the founders do. and she hits the nail on the head...they would cringe in horror at the thought that presidential candidates would give legitimacy to such a sham in such a forum. of course, they might also expect that the american people would understand enough of their history to plainly see how utterly against the american ideals such a "debate" is...are things really this far gone?
on a less depressing note...lolo - while most in america and feeling your pain after you hit the second to last hurdle in a race that was your gold to win, I will not be joining in. for starters...congrats to dawn harper, who stayed humble enough to take advantage of your mistake. a woman from the most depressing town in america, east saint louis, is now golden. and you, lolo, part of me feels that is what you get for wearing gold shoes to the race.
bring on the major leagues...
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