get the box of old newspapers out of the closet and fire up your decade old rhetoric because it's time for "consequences"...
iran wants a non-military nuclear is totally unacceptable to the united states that such a brutal regime have access to materials that may help it build weapons of mass destruction. cue the united nations and demands that iran give up it's "weapons" programs or else face the "consequences"...nobody is saying sanctions are coming yet...but there is no way we can fight a third middle eastern war...although you may wonder if our leaders recognize this, they did think it was a good idea to start up a second before the first was who knows.
so iran is pissed and ready to stick it's collective thumb in the eye of the united states and the european countries with their panties in a tizzy over their use of nuclear power. russia is desparately trying to broker a this is sounding familiar...but probably not to many western leaders, because they seem not to have even the most basic grasp of history. iran is so mad in fact, it is telling the united states that it will endure "consequences" if it continues to attempt to thwart iran's plans. perhaps i can save all interested parties some time and tell them how this will all turn out...
the united states refuses to budge on this issue with a member of the axis of evil (mainly because this member is in a region the west has been trying to conquer for centuries, ramping up it's efforts in the last hundred years...i mean, we sort of deal with the one guy that may be crazy enough to use the shit in korea...but what does korea do for us...i mean, i could still drive my hummer around if korea disappeared...but if the middle east dried up...shit, i might have to switch to a civic...the horror)...the next step brings in the united nations to impose sanctions on iran for it's "arrogance" and to make sure it does not "gain access to weapons of mass destruction" because that "would destabalize the whole region" and it's leaders "are murderous tyrants." of course the united nations imposes said sanctions, the result of which is yet another humanitarian catastrophe in the region as thousands and thousands of children starve to death before they can die of horrific cancers caused by uranium-enriched shells (interesting how we use uranium shells to bomb a country because they were trying to gain access to uranium...things that make you go hmmm) exploding in their cities for the next decade because those same bombs are needed to protect them and their neighbors when there is no access to medicine. ironically, the united nations is in charge of overseaing the death and destruction...perhaps the member nations and good ol' kofi annan forget to read the charter.
after a decade or so of this...the middle east is exceptionally pissed at the hypocracy of the united states and the united nations...and new york city explodes. iran must then be invaded to punish the "evil-doers" and the "nations that harbor them." of course the iranians will throw rose pedals at our feet for saving them from their brutal leaders...oh, but wait, forgot that we kind of made them live in squalor while injecting radiation into their they aren't too fond of us. yet another war followed by a peace that cannot be won.
so why don't we save everyone the time and trouble, and just randomly pick 4 out of 10 kids from whatever region of iran we feel will be of strategic importance and kill them now...maybe give a few of their sisters and brothers shots of uranium and poison their parents. then we can go into american middle schools now in areas where army recruiting is successful, and find a couple thousands kids that seem like they will wind up in the marines or the army...and just take them out now too. while we are at it...put a big crater where manhatten is...then we won't have to go through this nonsense again.
come closer, there's nothing wrong with holding on me...
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