Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Monday, March 06, 2006

all i ask...

that the rich stop getting richer while the poor just get drunk...

that the ranks of the district attorney's office, the most powerful position in criminal law, not be filled with self-righteous, throw-away-the-key, it's-not-a-victory-unless-there-is-a-lenghty-sentence, power-hungry attorneys...

that those same folks are replaced by some that understand the importance of their role, and use it accordingly...

that students not be led away by police and questioned by secret service agents for yelling "war criminal" at clinton during a recent question and answer session (yes, dissent is punished by both parties)...

that it be possible to have an honest discussion in this country about issues such as abortion, and why we send hundreds of thousands of our husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters to a desert land across the globe...

that in the richest country in the world it be possible to have choices after schooling, and not be sandbagged by outrageous debt which makes it impossible to do work for the community...that the president means it when he calls for his "fellow citizens" to take work for their community and not respond to his call by cutting funding to those programs that need it most in the communities...

that we meant it everytime we told someone we forgave them...

that qualifications for leadership in this country no longer be restricted to "able to raise truckloads of cash" while "rallying the base"...

that instead of staying home on election day because neither of the two major parties really represent anyone but the elite, people showed up in a mass populist movement to boot their sorry asses out of office and take back their government...

that the replacements waited to split until i got to see them live...

that muddy waters were still alive...

that you don't trash me to those close to me when the times i met you i went out of my way to be considerate to you even when i had every reason not to...

that at least the majority of people getting into professional school were not petty, childish, and far to full of themselves (usually, for no good reason)...

that good love be as easy to keep as it is to find...

that i not be teased with the wettest winter...only to have it followed up by the worst drought ever...

that my building be taller...

that the sun go away for a day or two...

that teachers be paid according to their importance in our lives, and that the best ones get praised for it, not reprimanded for rocking the boat...

that i not feel like this is well-deserved payback...

that i had the means, or just the balls, to pack up and leave all this...

that this country not have squandered it's oppurtunity to truly be a "beacon upon a hill"...

that barrack obama not get sucked into the washington game...

that we stop worshipping the false god of globalization before it is too late...

that i be able to sleep again...

that i get to keep my travel companion...

that it not be so hard to stay alive when there's so much living to do...

that the united nations and all it's member states actually live up to it's purpose...

that it not be surprising that wheaties chose cheeks for the post-olympic box cover...

that the government follow the rules when it is throwing all it's vast resources at "criminals" and at least try to make it appear like a fair process...

that i not hate this place so much...

that it not feel like five hundred midnights have passed since i held you last.

you know that i made a mistake...you know that i would stand face to face...if you would only turn around...


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