albuquerque next 19 exits...
that sign just north of town on I-25 broke my heart yet again last night...albuquerque next 19 exits...
19 exits and sprawl at it's worst. less than a million people spread out over more dry land than most cities much, much larger than it...row after row of home with green yards in a corner of the country that barely can hold enough water to sustain the life that is here without humans. a complete lack of preparation and planning for an expanding populous...subdivisions being thrown onto the map without any thought at their effect or the necessary infrastructure to support them...roads subsequently being built through historically fantastic landmarks, sacred to many in the area, all so those in the new subdivisions can keep their green lawns in a desert and drive their gas-guzzlers to work because the city has utterly failed at providing a mass transit system with any usefulness whatsoever only to add to the disgusting brown haze that covers the "city"...albuquerque next 19 exits...but if we weren't so attached to the white-picket-fence-never-was-american-dream we could cut that to 5...and in the process conserve what little we have left of this beautiful landscape...
albuquerque next 19 exits...too many for too few people, but horribly depressing to a kid from the second city...a reminder of time lost in a town that only serves to weigh on one's soul after time...a reminder of the hustle and bustle left behind...a reminder of all that could have been, so hastefully given up...the skyline appearing after that sign showing a people with no interest in living, working and being closer...albuquerque next 19 exits...someone take me home.
one day you'll see it's worth it after all...
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