is it a bad sign when...
you wake up every morning wishing you were somewhere else?
you open the door and the new jar of jelly ($1.78 jelly mind you) rolls out onto the driveway and breaks sending glass under your car and it causes a slight breakdown?
sunshine has become your mortal enemy?
you wonder if everything and everyone is phony?
the people you miss most are those that are the closest?
you would rather spend an evening alone reading than just about anything else?
even though you can't find the time or energy to get in touch with distant friends you find yourself begrudging the same from them?
you don't play with the cats anymore?
you begin to feel that mid-20's is grown up? or at least should be?
having had a problem putting on weight your entire life you find yourself checking the nutritional value of food and avoiding those high in fat?
you finally reach a healthy body-fat percentage, and you long for the days when it barely registered in the lobster claw thing?
the place you want to be most may just be the place you couldn't wait to never see again?
you begin to lose faith in a system you just entered a few months ago?
i think it very well may be...
and now the olympic update. bode miller blew it again...leading after the downhill of the combined and poised for gold, he straddled a gate in the slalom and was disqualified. the thing i love about bode miller...he doesn't give a shit. and to add the cherry on top little known ted ligety came from 32nd in the downhill portion to putting together the run of his life on the last slalom run to edge into first place and hold on for the us ski team's first gold. and after a horrific crash the other day, lindsey kildow skied the woman's downhill. sure she took eighth, but if you saw her crash, just getting to the gate was impressive.
today jeremy bloom goes for it in moguls...the kid that exposed the ncaa as the ridiculous heartless organization it is. good luck to him.
believe me, there's a better president to look you in the eyes and lie...
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