Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

don't call me highness, cause it's a long way down...

good ol' laissez faire capitalism is crumbling...free market economics brought to us by the chicago boys has once again been proven to be a recipe for disaster...economies world-wide are basically in free fall at the moment. and my brain is racing like a pro now...

the national academy of sciences released its report on crime labs. turns out the guy with a badge that took a 5 hour course doesn't really know a damn thing and wings it so that he can add another pelt to his belt. and those of us that live and work in the criminal justice system are wondering how in god's name it took this long for someone to say what we all knew - junk science is sending innocent people to prison. justice be damned...they just want convictions...

take, for instance joshua kezer. the man spent 17 years in prison for murder he always swore he did not commit before being given his freedom. what did the judge have to say? he castigated the prosecutor for withholding evidence at the first trial.

think about that. we get it wrong quite a bit when we give people "all the protections of american citizens." so just how bad are we off when we deprive those protections from people? and shouldn't that make you want to send all those right-wing fuckheads that claim we cannot possibly allow the same process for alleged terrorists as we do for alleged criminals with american citizenship to gitmo themselves?

whenever I hear fucktards like paul celluci (an ambassador to canada, one of the cushiest jobs in the world) say boneheaded things like "canadians in particular are free traders" I want to slap the living hell out of them. what they actually mean to say is that those with obscene amounts of money want an economic system that will continue to bring them disproportionate gains. the guy out of work doesn't give two shits about your free trade...he wants a roof over his head and a peaceful retirement.

people are complaining about the car companies (namely GM) needing money from the feds now because they agreed to a 30 and out retirement plan (30 years in, and you get your full pension for life) because theoretically people are retiring before they hit 50. I'm just wondering - what is the average life expectancy of persons working 30 years in the factory in detriot? are they really living way beyond retirement?

california is going broke. federal courts are ordering they release prisoners being housed in inhumane conditions because they can't afford to lock 'em up and throw away the key. so incredibly close to making the connection, but we still don't get it...

when people start selling pot to cover their regular-ass bills because their full-time job can't cut it anymore you know we are in trouble...

and you can't help but wonder why they go to prison while your bartender gets an extra tip for making your drink strong...

as foreclosures are mounting someone figured out a simple defense...prove it. these assholes repackaged and shipped off these loans so many times that they seem to have lost the documents. makes a little part of you smile...it's ok, fuck them.

ronald reagan is requesting his catch phrase be updated...the new scariest phrase in the english language is "I have an MBA and I am here to help."

everytime the unemployment numbers come out remember this...clinton changed the rules to hide the true numbers. it is actually much higher.

we are all learning that bipartisanship takes two to tango. and the republicans still apparently think it means they should get whatever they want or else they will go pout in the corner. but remember...FDR forcefed a lot of programs down the throats of the elephantile idiocracy. it was not until later that those programs had a go of bipartisan support. so mr. president, let them pout and whine. throw your weight around - at them and your free market boneheaded democrat friends.

I really want to be a member of congress...so I've decided to stop paying my taxes...

after the peanut debacle I was disgusted with the way in which greed and the bottom line has overcome all else. which is the problem with corporations (and why our founders staged a revolt to protest them)...our laws treat them like people, and they aren't people. they have one sole purpose to exist - to make money. of course, in that way they are a lot like people I suppose.

and then I thought - good god, what is going to happen to all those people that work at that factory when the company goes down?

the other day I saw a short story on a little girl that was given a rescue dog because her dad wanted her to have one. dad got shipped to war. yea, we sent your dad to kill and be killed. but here's a dog.

civilian deaths are up in afghanistan...god help us...

just as it is looking like we are stuck in a quagmire afterall - the general is calling it a stalemate. somewhere vladimir putin is chuckling...

speaking of afghanistan, kyrgyzstan is kicking us out. why is this not a bigger story?

is anybody else terrified about the fact that pakistan has nukes?

and what the hell is wrong with mankind that we build such horrifying devices of death and destruction but refuse to make sure kids don't die of hunger?

with all of this, I am sickened that the top news story has been whether whatever the fuck his name is beat up whatever the fuck her name is and missed the grammy's because of it...

you will always remember my name...


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